Saturday, May 30, 2015

No, Sony Isn't Removing Beyonce's Songs From Tidal

Don't worry, Tidal subscribers: Queen Bey isn't going anywhere.

On Thursday, a Bloomberg story critical of Jay Z's Tidal reported that all of Beyonce's discography might soon disappear from the audio streaming service. According to Bloomberg's report, Sony and Warner had been asking for large sums of money in exchange for Tidal's streaming rights to their artists' songs. While Warner has reportedly reached an agreement with Tidal, things didn't sound good for Bey or other Sony artists. One can only imagine the tension that might have caused in Beyonce and Jay Z's marriage.

However, Sony Music CEO Doug Morris confirmed to Rolling Stone on Saturday that nothing of the sort is happening just yet.

"All of our content, including Beyonce, is available through the Tidal service, and we have announced no plans to remove our catalog from Tidal," Morris told Rolling Stone. "Like all of our other partners, we are rooting for Jay and Tidal to succeed."

The removal of Beyonce's catalog from the streaming service, which she co-owns with her husband and a number of other artists, wouldn't have helped improve Tidal's image in the media. The lossless audio service has repeatedly been skewered by critics and artists alike, prompting Jay Z to defend Tidal on Twitter. The rapper also threw shots at competitor Spotify, as well as YouTube and Apple, in a freestyle during a special Tidal show in New York earlier this month.

If Morris is right, then maybe we can still look forward to that rumored joint Beyonce and Jay Z album that will allegedly debut exclusively on Tidal.

For more, head to Rolling Stone.

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