Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Bill Cosby got drugs to give to women for sex, AP reports

Bill Cosby, seen here at at an event in 2013 in New York City, has not publicly responded to sexual assault allegations from several women. Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images

Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images

The Associated Press on Monday obtained documents revealing that Bill Cosby testified in 2005 to acquring quaaludes — a central nervous system depressant — with the intention of providing them to women he wanted to have sex with. According to the AP, he admitted to giving the sedative to at least one woman.

More than two dozen women have accused 77-year-old Cosby of sexual misconduct, including rape, dating back 40 years. Cosby has never been criminally charged.

In early December, following a string of assault allegations, Cosby resigned from his position on Temple University’s board of trustees.

The post Bill Cosby got drugs to give to women for sex, AP reports appeared first on PBS NewsHour.

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