Sunday, July 5, 2015

Uber + MADD Partner to Keep Drunk Drivers off the Road This Holiday Weekend

Meet Janet, an ambulance medic for over 20 years. During that time, she responded to thousands of incidents, many of which involved drunk driving. Today, Janet drives with Uber to prevent those crashes before they happen.

“In the 20 years that I was a paramedic I saw more drunk-driving tragedies than anybody should ever have to see. Driving with Uber makes me proud that I can get people home safe.”

—Janet Weiser, Portland, Oregon Uber Driver-Partner

This Fourth of July weekend, we are partnering with Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) to thank Janet—and thousands of other Uber driver-partners—for making sure revelers have access to a safe ride home. As part of this nationwide public service campaign, we are asking our riders to help us support this important mission by taking the MADD pledge to not drink and drive.

“We are proud to work with Uber on this important awareness campaign to highlight the dangers of drunk driving and to remind individuals nationwide to always designate a non-drinking driver. Thank you to the Uber driver-partners who are ensuring that riders have access to a reliable ride and for helping keep our streets safe this Fourth of July weekend.”

—Colleen Sheehey-Church, MADD National President

Riders will also have an opportunity to donate to MADD, with Uber matching donations made during the holiday. We’re making it easy for people to leave their keys at home this weekend so they can just enjoy the fireworks — along with the knowledge that they’re helping to keep our streets and cities safe.


MADD’s mission is to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes and prevent underage drinking. If you or someone you love has been impacted by drunk or drugged driving, MADD is here to help. Call MADD’s 24-Hour Victim Help Line at 877.MADD.HELP. Uber will match the total amount of MADD donations made through between 7/1/2015 and 7/5/2015 up to $25,000.

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