Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ben Carson: It's Time To Rethink The Supreme Court's Powers

As you probably know, the Supreme Court has the ability to rule laws unconstitutional. That's how it was able to strike down segregation laws and uphold the Affordable Care Act. GOP 2016 hopeful Ben Carson isn't so sure about this power.

"This is an area we need to discuss," he told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace. "We need to get into a discussion of this because it has changed from the original intent."

Wallace prodded: "So, you're saying this is an open question as far as you're concerned?"

"It is an open question," Carson responded. "It needs to be discussed."

The Supreme Court is currently weighing several state bans on same-sex marriage. Because it has already ruled that a federal law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman was unconstitutional, the court's June decision could effectively allow gays to marry anywhere in the country.

Carson opposes marriage equality.

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