Saturday, May 16, 2015

Early video of garage fire with exposures in Minnesota

Early video from KaleyandKen Dorman of a garage fire last Saturday (May 9) in Newport, Minnesota that spread to a neighboring garage and heavily damaged the homes on either side. Two men were burned and a firefighter suffered smoke inhalation.

Emily Buss, South Washington County Bulletin:

Shortly before 3 p.m. Saturday, VanHorn and Kruzeski were working on a lawn tractor inside VanHorn’s garage at 731 Seventh Ave., when the lawn tractor’s carburetor exploded, Wiley said.

(Newport Fire Chief Steve) Wiley said high winds caused the fire to spread to VanHorn’s home, which was vacant and undergoing renovations. The fire then spread to Kruzeski’s garage and then his home at 619 Seventh Ave.

Despite the under six-minute response time, Wiley said by the time Newport crews arrived on the scene “the garage where the incident happened was pretty much gone.”

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