Saturday, April 25, 2015

Obama Turns Tables On Michele Bachmann Rapture Dig At White House Correspondents' Dinner

President Barack Obama turned a dig from former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) into a glowing review of his presidency at the 2015 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

"Just this week, Michele Bachmann actually predicted that I would bring about the biblical end of days," Obama said in his speech Saturday night. "Now that's a legacy. That's big. I mean Lincoln, Washington -- they didn't do that."

The president was referring to remarks Bachmann made on a radio show last week, when she said Obama's policies on Iran's nuclear program and marriage equality would lead to the end of times.

“We in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the rapture of the church,” Bachmann said. “We see the destruction, but this was a destruction that was foretold.”

See more from the dinner below:

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