Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday's Morning Email: Baltimore Violence Ebbs

morning email



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BALTIMORE VIOLENCE EBBS The Baltimore Police Commissioner declared the city stable after a quieter, calmer night that contrasted strongly with Monday's clashes. Take a look at how Baltimore's history played into the unrest, and hear what the mom who publicly reprimanded her child for rioting said. And here's what the media didn't learn from Ferguson. [Lilly Workneh, HuffPost]

NEPAL DEATH TOLL HITS 5,000 Aid has finally reached the secluded epicenter of the earthquake. [AP]

SEC INTRODUCING NEW EXECUTIVE PAY GUIDELINES "Securities regulators want publicly traded companies to make it easier for shareholders to determine whether top executives’ compensation is aligned with the firm’s financial performance. On Wednesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission is set to propose long-awaited rules that would force thousands of companies to tell investors how the pay of top management tracked the firm’s financial results." [WSJ]

IN 2016 NEWS Bernie Sanders is running for president, and Hillary Clinton is expected to give a speech about ending mass incarceration. [Sam Levine, HuffPost]

NIGERIA SAYS IT HAS RESCUED 293 GIRLS AND WOMEN FROM BOKO HARAM None of them are believed to be a part of the group kidnapped last year. [Reuters]

SAUDI ROYAL SHAKE-UP This will lead to awkward family reunions: Saudi King Salman rearranged the royal line, displacing his brother. [Reuters]

MEET THE ONLY PERSON BEING PUNISHED AFTER THE SENATE TORTURE REPORT It's not someone involved with actual torturing. [Ali Watkins, HuffPost]

FLIGHTS GROUNDED AFTER PILOT iPAD ISSUES The glitch grounded two dozen flights. [USA Today]


'THE BOXER AND THE BATTERER' "Floyd Mayweather Jr. has bobbed, weaved, and danced through domestic violence accusations for much of his career. On the verge of the biggest fight in recent history, can we separate the athlete from the abuser?" [Grantland]

PREGNANT AT HARVARD "I was shocked by how easy it was to hide my pregnancy. No one, not even my roommates or best friends, noticed how I suddenly started wearing exclusively baggy clothing, or how I kept cancelling plans last minute so I could cry in my room. No one noticed that I was vomiting on a near-daily basis, though I passed it off as 'a winter bug' for weeks on end." [The Harvard Crimson]

NETFLIX'S MOST WATCHED SHOWS AREN'T ALWAYS WHAT YOU THINK People actually watch "Daredevil." [HuffPost]

BEHIND THE FIRST VIRAL MEDIA EVENT Orson Welles knew how to terrify. [Vanity Fair]

PUT DOWN THE RED WINE, LADIES The binge drinking rates for women jumped 36% from 2002 to 2012. [HuffPost]

MISSING ELEPHANTS AT THE ZOO? The decline of elephant exhibits. [AP]

WHY YOU NEED THAT TIME ALONE We know, we know: silence and reflection are hard. [HuffPost]


EXTENDING A HAND TO A COWORKER "Last week, contract workers at the U.S. Capitol went on strike to advocate for better working conditions and higher wages. Now, some of those workers are taking further action by raising money online to support their fellow workers." [HuffPost]


TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT MOTHERHOOD "There is a constant debate about parenting choices, and everyone knows that breastfeeding -- especially where you breastfeed -- is one of the hot button issues. Who knew breastfeeding on the toilet, taking a picture of it and posting it to share with my measly 422 followers on Instagram and 992 Facebook friends would send the Internet into a frenzy?" [HuffPost]


~ Periscoping the NFL draft.

~ Because golfing was so strenuous, someone invented a Segway-esque scooter for golf courses.

~ The takeover continues: Uber now delivers food in NYC and Chicago.

~ Studying Antarctica's "Blood Falls."

~ There's hope out there, gentlemen: Hilary Duff is going on a Tinder date.

~ Cities are over the car.

~ The youngest member of the Partridge family has died.

~ The case for "nonhuman personhood."

~ The "Friends" star you can blame for the lack of a "Friends" movie.

~ Watch Paul McCartney play a song the Beatles never played live.

~ Budweiser pulls slogan after date rape backlash.

Send tips/quips/quotes/stories/photos/events/scoops to Lauren Weber at Follow us on Twitter @LaurenWeberHP. And like what you're reading? Sign up here to get The Morning Email delivered to you.

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